Monday 13 January 2014

John Langrehr Thinking Programme

Dear Parent,

I would like to inform you that John Langrehr Thinking Programme Enrichment class will not start today.  Commencement date have been postponed to next Monday 20/1/14.

I apologised for any inconvenience caused.


Christina Lim

Monday 6 January 2014

Our Revised Vision, Mission and Core Values 2014

Dear Parent,

We have reviewed and revised our school's vision, mission and core values.

Our Vision
To be the Premier Kindergarten of choice in the community, where every child are nurtured to be an active, engaged and motivated learner.

Our Mission
To provide a nurturing and engaging environment for children to be grow and be L.O.V.ED ~ “Live Our Value EveryDay.”

Our Core Values
Respect - Be respectful to all individual
Responsibility – Be responsible for our behaviour
Resilience – Be resilient to new challenges

Children are like sponges. They observe and soak up everything there is in their environment, mainly through sight and hearing. They learn from mimicking people such as their teachers, their parents or other adults around them.  We want our children to learn the best, therefore, we start by being a good role model to them and continue to mould them to become a better person in the society.

Let us work together and continue to L.O.V.ED ~ Live Our Values EveryDay!