Wednesday 25 April 2012

We have achieved SPARK Accreditation!

This year, our school have been preparing ourselves to achieve the Singapore Pre-school Accreditation Framework alighting with our School Vision - To be the Premier Preschool in the North.

Assessment took place in February 2012.  We have assessors from MOE to our school to inspect our school's safety, cleanliness and of cause, our school curriculum and our teacher's teaching qualities.

After waiting for 2 months for the result, today we have received an email from MOE as follow:

"Dear Principal / Supervisor,

Singapore Pre-school Accreditation Framework (SPARK) Quality Assessment            

Thank you for your participation in the SPARK Quality Assessment. 

We are pleased to inform you that PCF Woodlands Blk 652 has achieved the standards for SPARK certification as a result of participating in the Singapore Pre-school Accreditation Framework (SPARK) quality assessment"

CONGRATULATION TO US and we promised to continue our standard and quality services to our precious children in the school.

