Thursday, 8 October 2015

Happy Children's Day!!!

This year, we had a "SUPER HEROES" children's day. The children had fun and I have seen many parents putting in effort in helping their children creates the Superheroes look required and the result was amazing.

Look at how creative our parents can.  She had a DIY Elsa's hairdo done by  her mummy with a little help from her sister.
Look at Teacher Gloria! Make a guess who she is with her bow and arrow?
Captain American - another creative DIY by one of our creative parent.
Our teachers DIY their own costume too to create the "Super" effect on this special day for the children. We have with us, Flash, catwoman and batman. Are you able to tell who are they? 

Lastly, Joining in the fun with the children with my DIY Superwoman outfit.  Superwoman greet all children "Happy Children's Day"! 

And I hope parent can continue to let your creativity flow and spend little time with your children to DIY.  The time spent and the product achieved were far more memorable and precious for the children.


Sunday, 27 September 2015


Dear Parents,

In view of the improvement in the haze situation, all lessons and K2 PTC will resume on 28 September 2015 (Monday). We will  continue to adjust our programmes in accordance to the guidelines issued for different PSI levels and continue to monitor the haze situation.

Please contact us at if you have any queries. 

Thank you.

Ms Christina Lim

Thursday, 24 September 2015


Dear Parent,

In view of the deterioration of the haze situation, all lessons and programmes will be scaled down. Parents may wish to take precautionary measure by keeping your child at home on 25 September 2015 (Friday) and 26 September 2015 (Saturday). Nevertheless, Our centre will remain open to provide custodial care for parents who do not have alternative care arrangements.

Parents may also refer to ECDA’s website ( for the latest update on the haze management measures to be adopted by centres. You can also monitor the latest haze situation through the website  or NEA hotline: 1800 225 5632.

ECDA will take into consideration NEA’s 6pm forecast for next Monday (28 September), and announce if there is any centre closure by Sunday (27 September).

Should you have any queries, please kindly email to me at

Ms Christina Lim

Monday, 29 June 2015

*Flashback* April Newsletter

In the month of April was rather exciting. We went on an excursion to the mint museum. MINT (Moment of Imagination and Nostalgia with Toys) Museum of Toys is the world's first purpose-built museum for toys.

It is considered to be the largest collection of its kind within Southeast Asia, with more than 50,000 pieces of vintage toys and childhood memorabilia from more than 40 countries, including Singapore, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, the United States, and even Bulgaria.

Visiting the museum was a really enriching experience. It was also a journey of discovery. The vintage toys on display reflect interesting international cultural trends.

Here are some pictures for you to see. Enjoy!

This is the entrance of the MINT museum...

Look at the children, they are all waiting eagerly for the rest of the friends to join them before going in.

We have a nice tour guide guiding the children about the toy in the musemum.  

The children are listening to the guide attentively.

Rows of neatly arranged toys

More toys.....




Assorted toys

 After the visit, children are hungry and having their snack.

Waiting for transport to go back to school...

Teacher Sharmini

*Flashback* March Newsletter

Healthy living Healthy Lifestyle

In conjunction of The Healthy Living Healthy Lifestyle month, our centre has organised Fruits day for our children. Children of PCF Woodlands Blk 652 were asked to bring fruit from home. Childhood is the best time to learn the healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Some fruits that were brought by the students.

To make the event more interesting, teachers have planned a picnic for the children to to eat the fruits they prepared in the park.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank the parent for making the effort to prepare the healthy snack for your child to participate in this picnic.  The students and teachers were having so much fun. 

Beside healthy eating, we also want to inculcate healthy lifestyle to the children.  Eating healthily is important, keeping fit is also important to stay healthy.  Before the children can enjoy their delicious snack, they have a mass walk in the park.  This is a great activity for both the teachers and the children.  All the teachers and children get to motivate each other to exercise and keep fit.  Teachers also introduce the function of the equipment in the fitness corner.  Take a look at the children  exploring the Health and  Fitness equipment.  

Dear parent, visiting the fitness corner with your children is a good bonding activity you may try with your children.  You get to keep fit, stay healthy and at the same time, spend quality time with your children.  

Lastly, A Fruit Salad Recipe for you to try at home with your children!

Friday, 27 February 2015

February Newsletters

February is a month of LOVE and the air in the school is all filled with love!

"Send Me to School, Daddy" Campaign
The ‘Send Me to School, Daddy’ campaign that runs for the entire month of February was a success! Thank you to all the daddies out there.

We have seen more daddies making the effort to send their children to school and showing their support and care for them.

Did you know…research has shown that children whose daddy are more involved in nurturing them have higher academic achievements?

Therefore, COME ON, DADDIES… Step up and be more involved because you, too, play an important part in your child’s development.

Here are some photos of the supportive daddies…KUDOS!

They were rewarded with a sticker for every time they send their child to school.

Thank you to the daddies…
As the saying goes, Dad is the son’s first hero and daughter’s first love. Well, who needs Superman when you have a daddy, right?

…and Valentine’s Day falls on February too!

Valentine's Day
It is a day where children had a lot of fun making craft for the loved ones. Show them some love…

Oh yes, Family is everything…it means the world to them.

Chinese Lunar New Year
Also, on 18th February, we decided to welcome the year of the Sheep with an unforgettable performance from each class. Weeks before celebrating Chinese New Year, each individual class worked together to make this Chinese lion head. It was made out of a pail, ang bao (red packets) and some decorations. A shiny cloth is then attached to the head to represent its tail. Children had a chance to search on how “lion dance” move and with this, they create a dance move to perform with their lion.

Everyone enjoyed taking turns to dance with their lion and they learned that they had to work together to make the lion move. It was indeed a great cooperative learning experience for the children.

We also invited Fabius, an alumnus, to perform a lion dance to the entire school. He was really good!

Fabius performing lion dance.

That’s it for the month of February updates. Stay tuned for more exciting happenings in our school.

Feeling loved already? Oh definitely…

Teacher Erlyn

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Send me to school, Daddy!

Dear Parent/Guardian,

In collaboration with Centre for Fathering Ltd, we would like to encourage all daddies to step up and send your child to school to show them that you care about their academic journey. 

Dads are Important! Why? Research says...
Father involvement in schools is associated with improvements by students in academics, behavior, and social skills.

Let's watch this meaningful video about how great a daddy can be to his child...

Start off small by taking a little time off to send your child to school, it will make a great difference in their learning journey and we hope to see more daddies participate in their children's activities in future. 

Support our "Back to school with Dad 2015" campaign from 4 Feb 2015 to 27 Feb 2015 ans you and your child will be awarded a sticker each.  (Parent's circular 4/15 issued on 3/2/15)

I would like to share this good articles with daddies.


Fathering Decisions For The New Year
By monica
<written by Edwin Choy for Centre For Fathering>

Strong families are intentional.  They do not happen by chance. Beginning of the year is a great time to make certain fathering decisions that will help you build healthy families.

Decide today that your career is only as good as your family. Family is like a base camp for mountain climbers. If you want to climb mountains, you must have a good base camp, a place where there are shelter and resources, a place where you can nurture and rest before attempting to reach another summit.  You will not go far or achieve much without your solid base camp.  If you want to climb high, then tend to the base camp and keep it in good shape.  You will be healthier, happier, more effective persons if you do.

Decide today that your children are more important than your personal projects. Be willing to pause for a moment, look them in the eye and listen to

them for what they need. Set aside regular family time during week that you will protect from intrusion by unimportant urgent matters.

Decide today that your children are special no matter how they fare in school. Let them know without a doubt that they are loved and cherished regardless of their grades. Academic performance is just one of the many gifts our children can be blessed with but not the only one. They have new skills to learn but they are not failures. They may not meet someone else’s expectation but they will succeed with a father who believes in them.

Reflection pointers for fathers …
Do we measure our happiness in our children by their results and achievements or do we have happiness in our children despite their results and achievements.
Action pointers for fathers …
Stick little notes in places that your child will find it after you leave for work (e.g inside their clothes drawer, inside their pencil box, on the screen of their mobile phone.) Let them know you appreciate and love them on these notes, “No strings attached”.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Class Timetable 2015

N1 Timetable


Class Timetable 2015

NN Timetable

Class Timetable 2015

K1 Timetable

Class Timetable 2015

K2 Timetable


Menu for 2015

Healthy eating is important as it provides good nutrition for the children which is essential for healthy brain development for critical learning.  In our school, we do our part to provide children with the good nutrition they need.  We believe that it will help them to perform better academically in school and improve their overall health and wellness to stay fit to come to school daily.

Presenting to you our New Menu for 2015, which we includes proteins, carbohydrates, heart-healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and water and minimize processed foods and saturated fats.

Updates: We have also include different culture food delicacies for children to promote culture appreciation in our centre.

PCF 652 MENU 2015

We welcome any feedback, please email to and we seek your patience for our improvement to take place.

Thank you.

Ms Christina